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Last Updated: 4 May 2024.

This ship info includes data on what are the dimensions and general vessel particulars, last and next special class survey, who is the owner of the ship LCT 868, its Commercial Manager, ISM Manager, P&I Club, Classification Society, their addresses and contact details and Shipyard where it was built as well as statistics for the number of owned and managed ships and companies related thereto.

Name LCT 868
Ship type, detailed Landing Craft
Ship type, AIS Cargo
Service Status Active, Commissioned
Flag Philippines
Home Port -
IMO 9801457
MMSI 548653300
Call Sign DUH3726
Built 2015
Age 9 years
Builder -
Gross Tonnage 528
Summer DWT 2350
Length 72 m / 236 ft
Beam 18 m / 59 ft
Registered Shipowner
All shipping companies on this address 1 company
Location show on map
Contacts details
Ship acquired
All ships of this registered owner fleet analysis Coming soon (33 ships)
Ship Manager
All shipping companies on this address 1 company
Location show on map
Contacts details
Under this management
All managed ships fleet analysis Coming soon (37 ships)
All managed companies view list Coming soon (3 companies)
ISM Manager -
Address -
All shipping companies on this address -
Location -
Contacts -
Under this management -
All ISM managed ships -
All ISM managed companies -
Name -
Membership -
Emergency contacts -
Ships insured
by this P&I Club
Companies insured
by this P&I Club
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Can't see your ship on the map? Try Dual Track
Name -
Contracted -
Ship Class Status -
Ships surveyed by this class -
Companies surveyed by this class -
Performed by -
Class Renewal Survey (Last) -
Class Renewal Survey (Next) -
Full Specifications

(may require registration)

Conversion factors Gross Tonnage (GT) vs
Deadweight (DWT)
1 GT

(this ship)

0.225 DWT
1 GT

(ship type average) *

DWT (avg/min/max)

(this ship)

t/m3 lb/ft3

(ship type average) *

t/m3 lb/ft3 (avg/min/max)
Full regression
90 ship types
view analysis
* based on 882 ships of type Landing Craft presently in active service or under construction built from 1942 to 2025 having DWT from 25 to 7520 and GT from 102 to 4775 and length from 2 to 329 mtrs. Weekly updated.
Flag Name Built IMO MMSI Length Beam more
LCT 788
Landing Craft
2015 9801433 548644300
72 m
236 ft
18 m
59 ft
Map / Info
LCT 78
Landing Craft
2015 9790191 548620300
72 m
236 ft
18 m
59 ft
Map / Info
LCT 718
Landing Craft
2015 9801445 548645300
72 m
236 ft
18 m
59 ft
Map / Info
LCT 388
Landing Craft
2015 9773636 1
72 m
236 ft
18 m
59 ft
Map / Info
LCT 358
Landing Craft
2015 9773624 548604300
72 m
236 ft
18 m
59 ft
Map / Info
LCT 368
Landing Craft
2014 9729805 548000368
71 m | - 1 m
233 ft | - 3 ft
18 m
59 ft
Map / Info
Landing Craft
2014 9753868 525020288
71 m | - 1 m
233 ft | - 3 ft
16 m | - 2 m
52 ft | - 7 ft
Map / Info
LCT 208
Landing Craft
2013 9706621 548000208
71 m | - 1 m
233 ft | - 3 ft
16 m | - 2 m
52 ft | - 7 ft
Map / Info
LCT 628
Landing Craft
2015 9790177 1
70 m | - 2 m
230 ft | - 7 ft
18 m
59 ft
Map / Info
LCT 988
Landing Craft
2015 9787261 548000988
70 m | - 2 m
230 ft | - 7 ft
18 m
59 ft
Map / Info
LCT 128
Landing Craft
2014 9729817 548700128
70 m | - 2 m
230 ft | - 7 ft
18 m
59 ft
Map / Info
Landing Craft
2016 9818242 1
69 m | - 3 m
226 ft | - 10 ft
14 m | - 4 m
46 ft | - 13 ft
Map / Info
LCT 855
Landing Craft
2014 9734616 548900042
76 m | + 4 m
249 ft | + 13 ft
17 m | - 1 m
56 ft | - 3 ft
Map / Info
Landing Craft
2019 9895941 1
65 m | - 7 m
213 ft | - 23 ft
12 m | - 6 m
39 ft | - 20 ft
Map / Info
Landing Craft
2014 9762156 525024290
60 m | - 12 m
197 ft | - 39 ft
12 m | - 6 m
39 ft | - 20 ft
Map / Info
Landing Craft
2011 9638848 1
59 m | - 13 m
194 ft | - 43 ft
11 m | - 7 m
36 ft | - 23 ft
Map / Info
LCT 708
Landing Craft
2013 9690470 548000708
87 m | + 15 m
285 ft | + 49 ft
19 m | + 1 m
62 ft | + 3 ft
Map / Info
LCT 369
Landing Craft
2013 9698484 548711300
88 m | + 16 m
289 ft | + 52 ft
18 m
59 ft
Map / Info
LCT 308
Landing Craft
2013 9698472 548721300
88 m | + 16 m
289 ft | + 52 ft
19 m | + 1 m
62 ft | + 3 ft
Map / Info
Landing Craft
1945 5200148 1
56 m | - 16 m
184 ft | - 52 ft
11 m | - 7 m
36 ft | - 23 ft
Map / Info
LCT 808
Landing Craft
2013 9697454 1
94 m | + 22 m
308 ft | + 72 ft
21 m | + 3 m
69 ft | + 10 ft
Map / Info
LCT 908
Landing Craft
2013 9700079 1
94 m | + 22 m
308 ft | + 72 ft
21 m | + 3 m
69 ft | + 10 ft
Map / Info
Landing Craft
2019 9897858 455443000
39 m | - 33 m
128 ft | - 108 ft
9 m | - 9 m
30 ft | - 30 ft
Map / Info
LCT 38
Landing Craft
2015 9787273 548621300
36 m | - 36 m
118 ft | - 118 ft
17 m | - 1 m
56 ft | - 3 ft
Map / Info
LCT 688
Landing Craft
2015 9790189 548000668
2 m | - 70 m
7 ft | - 230 ft
2 m | - 16 m
7 ft | - 52 ft
Map / Info


LCT 868 current position is received by AIS. Ship info reports, fleet analysis, company analyses, address analyses, technical specifications, tonnages, management details, addresses, classification society data and all other relevant statistics are derived from Marine Traffic database. The data is for informational purposes only and Marine Traffic is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness and reliability of data reported above herein.